OMG, I step away for a month and a half and my sweet innocent Club Katrin has all kinds of porn on it. My oh my, what I am to do, I thought I would be her first.
OK, any body who really believes the later part of that should be supervised, you need help either mentally of higher functioning assistance. But I was away due to a couple of deaths in the family, and when I returned I started getting on the porn bike again and I discovered several small pictures of Club Katrin doing the business. I immediately renewed my subscription, OK really we all do it join for a month, download pictures and wait for a while until feel it has been fully updated again. So after joining I went to do this blog, and I tell you this time blogging has taken at least an hour and a half longer than normal. I’ll fill you in in a minute.
OK minutes up, Club Katrin has always been a favorite of mine. Her face looks like T-Swizzle, her tits are spectacular and she isn’t 400 pounds marketing her fat titties as huge titties. So when I saw the hardcore pictures, I immediately joined again, spanked it and got caught by the wife. After 35 minutes of getting yelled at for spending $35.00 on research=), she finally saw my dick in my hand. I will be on the couch for a while, and I couldn’t be happier.
So why don’t you join me on the couch fellas and ladies and enjoy some nice hardcore from Club Katrin, it’s better than anything we have at home. If you don’t want to sleep on the couch then look at her titties, control your hand, and go bang the old hag at home. Just don’t call her Club Katrin.